In the age of DIY business and with the “Covid-19 Challenge”, now is the time more than ever to re-energize and take your business to the next level in your PR & Marketing efforts! Join twenty-year plus, communications and advertising professional, Mandee K. Hammerstein in an engaging and strategy-filled workshop. Designed with creativity in mind, this live & online workshop promises to be personal and directive for your specific business needs. To ensure a concentrated focus for each registered client, currently workshops offered are limited to four individuals as a small group via ZOOM.
These online workshops will provide industry-proven, actionable techniques, public relations templates, launching, tracking and budgeting worksheets, as well as effective case study examples, and software and applications lists. Group workshop schedules consist of four 90-minute classes (Tuesdays, 7 pm - 8:30 pm) over a 4-week period for $475 (up to 4 students). Private sessions are also available.
Mandee K. Hammerstein holds a BFA in Visual Communications and a MA in Business Communications. Mandee has launched national, corporate campaigns, high-profile cultural institutions, small businesses and non-profit fundraising campaigns.
-Branding basics for all budgets
-Communications/Promotions Techniques, Hierarchy/Roll Out Schedules
-Construction & Distribution of the Press Release & Media Advisory
-Launching & Follow-up steps for campaigns & events of various sizes
-Social media, real media the future of the news coverage landscape
-E-mail Marketing
-Website enhancement
-Helpful software & hardware recommendations